Honestly, I like you a lot!

Chapter 14

Honestly, I like you a lot!

Ji-Hyuk reunites with his old female friends from college to celebrate his finally entering the workforce.The always cold ‘Lim Ji-Ah’ and the cute ‘Choi Yoon-Ha’ with her bob cut.After Yoon-Ha went home early, an already awkward situation for Ji-Ah and Ji-Hyuk alone grew worse when Ji-Ah frantically bolted from Ji-Hyuk’s room, and huh…what’s that in her bag!

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Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!
Honestly, I like you a lot!

Ji-Hyuk reunites with his old female friends from college to celebrate his finally entering the workforce.The always cold ‘Lim Ji-Ah’ and the cute ‘Choi Yoon-Ha’ with her bob cut.After Yoon-Ha went home early, an already awkward situation for Ji-Ah and Ji-Hyuk alone grew worse when Ji-Ah frantically bolted from Ji-Hyuk’s room, and huh…what’s that in her bag!



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