If I figh, the gate opens

Chapter 7

If I figh, the gate opens

One day, Kang Dae-Soo suddenly became an awakened being.During his private healing time, a new ability emerged..."What? When I release, a gate opens?Using his semen to create weapons and heal, Kang Dae-Soo's hunter survival story.

Chapter ini error ? segera laporkan agar diperbaiki secepatnya!
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens
If I figh, the gate opens

One day, Kang Dae-Soo suddenly became an awakened being.During his private healing time, a new ability emerged..."What? When I release, a gate opens?Using his semen to create weapons and heal, Kang Dae-Soo's hunter survival story.



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