Secret Hot Spring Inn

Chapter 11

Secret Hot Spring Inn

Shota and Mai have been good friends since childhood. They like each other but can’t confess their feelings. One day, Mai proposes to work part-time at the hot spring inn “Sakuragetsuro” together with Shota in exchange for being a model for Shota’s manga. Akari, the beautiful proprietress of Sakuragetsuro, and Shota’s relationship deepens…

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Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn
Secret Hot Spring Inn

Shota and Mai have been good friends since childhood. They like each other but can’t confess their feelings. One day, Mai proposes to work part-time at the hot spring inn “Sakuragetsuro” together with Shota in exchange for being a model for Shota’s manga. Akari, the beautiful proprietress of Sakuragetsuro, and Shota’s relationship deepens…



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